Breaking new ground in 2024

Forge has efficiency written all over it.

Efficiency top of mind this season? You’re not alone! Achieving great performance without breaking the bank is the order of the day, no matter where or what you farm.

All the more reason to catapult one or two poor paddocks into the big league this autumn with a grass that cares for both your animals, and your finances.

Growing 14 per cent more feed than anything else of its type, Forge hybrid ryegrass has efficiency written all over it, says pasture expert Graham Kerr. 

As commercial manager for Barenbrug, he’s seen many paddocks lately that aren’t looking their best.

“Whatever the cause, they are already putting the brakes on production, right when you need all your land – and your animals – to perform as well as possible on a tight budget.”

Left as they are, such paddocks will continue to go backwards, putting animals off grazing, looking ugly, and forcing you to spend more time and effort on management.

Sown or undersown in Forge, on the other hand, they will literally grow (and regrow) tonnes of high quality, energy-rich tetraploid pasture for the next three to five years.

You can use all that premium home grown feed to finish lambs or cattle faster, milk cows to their full potential, fuel hungry mums through lactation, and/or grow bigger, stronger replacements.

Even better, your animals will happily help you utilise every bit, Graham says: “Animals love tetraploids, because they’re so tasty and easy to eat.

“It’s like a double serving of efficiency – first you increase the amount of feed grown off the same area of land, and second, that feed drives better animal performance through enhanced quality and intake.”

Forge doesn’t mind cooler weather, either, helping fill the feed gap in autumn, winter and early spring, and soaking up soil nitrogen in the process.

The secret to success? “Avoid the temptation to cut corners,” Graham says. “If the budget’s tight you’re always better off doing a great job of sowing or undersowing a smaller area with quality seed like Forge than doing a bigger area with cheaper seed.”

Seed for Forge is available now. Order yours from your local retailer today.



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