Simple solution for utilising dairy effluent

Clean Green Effluent Systems’ patented weeping wall.

The Clean Green Effluent Systems’ patented weeping wall separates out the liquids and stores the solids. The filtered liquid can now be used to automatically green wash external yards, reducing the fresh water consumption to around 25 litres per cow.

The Clean Green Effluent System has a unique distribution system that was designed for all soil types, says a company spokesperson.

“As it is a super low rate, low depth application system (0.25mm or 1\4 mm) it can be applied to any soil type without the risk of leaching or run off. This totally automatic system removes the risk of over application when soil conditions are not suitable for standard systems.

“Farm dairy effluent can be applied in its aerobic form virtually all year round and therefore storage requirements are minimal. The Clean Green Effluent System utilises as few as two 33,000 litre water tanks for total storage. This exceeds the requirement of the Dairy NZ pond calculator.”

Ag research testing has indicated that the low rate low depth application system will cause no environmental ill effects, even in winter.

Pond water is normally anaerobic and not plant acceptable until aerated and converted back to aerobic.

“The Clean Green System distributes effluent generated on a daily basis and therefore the effluent is applied in an aerobic form and can be utilised by the plant immediately.

“The patented distribution and green wash system is fully automated and only requires about three hours work per month to maintain this problem free, low running cost system.”


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