Partnership for shared success

The organisations commitment to seeing the kiwifruit sector thrive. Photo: Jamie Troughton/Dscribe Media Services.

Kiwi Pollen and Hill Labs have united their expertise and resources through a novel way of working together, aimed at overcoming industry challenges and optimising operations. Both organisations share a commitment to seeing the kiwifruit sector thrive, and their collaborative efforts are set to drive innovation and address industry challenges.

Three of Hill Labs’ most experienced Mount Maunganui-based staff are currently on secondment at Kiwi Pollen, which is possible because the companies’ busy seasons are complementary – the harvest season for the Hill Labs team finished just as Kiwi Pollen was planning for its pollination season, says a spokesperson for the organisations.

The secondees are leveraging their experience gained in the high-volume environment of the Hill Labs Bay of Plenty operations to focus on understanding the Kiwi Pollen business, evaluating solutions, and streamlining operations.

“The scope of their work encompasses optimisation, data accuracy, quality, productivity, and satisfaction for all stakeholders.

“Recruitment quickly emerged as a top priority. Hill Labs’ experience managing hundreds of seasonal applicants in their business was applied to Kiwi Pollen, with the implementation of new systems and processes, with now nearly 100 employment contracts having been signed.

“Cloud-based orchard management software is set to revolutionise the flower picking operations by efficiently managing flower yields, piece rates, and accuracy for employees, contractors and orchard owners.”

Kiwi Pollen and Hill Labs are confident these new systems and preparations will yield significant benefits. The two local organisations enjoy exploring new avenues to support growth in the kiwifruit industry, and by thinking outside the box and working in collaboration, they are proud to be contributing to a thriving future for the industry.


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