Electronic cup removers make all the difference

John Shewan, Waikato

John and Sandra Shewan from Gordonton, Waikato milk 520 cows in peak season on 159ha in a 50 bail rotary shed.

“Our plant was starting to break down all the time so we were looking for something else,” says John.

“At the same time, Craig from MilktechNZ came to see me. He showed me the MilktechNZ electronic cup removers which I was really impressed with, so we went ahead and had a really good look at it.”

They decided to install the cup removers, with very positive results.

“It has made everything a lot easier because we don't have the constant breakdowns anymore, which means we can run the whole thing with just two people rather than three. It has freed us up to have people doing other things,” says John.

“MilktechNZ is the third milking machine equipment we’ve put in during my career and it’s the only one we haven’t had any commissioning problems with.”

John and Sandra installed the new equipment in the middle of the season.

“We switched it over while we were actually milking and we had absolutely no problems at all. I was really impressed with just how well everything worked. It was very cool.”

When John was asked the staff what they thought of the MilktechNZ cup removers, they said they loved it.

“My son is one of them and the other guy has been with us for three years now. It is so much better than what we had.”


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